Getting Started: Stock Advisor (New Site Navigation)

Once you've logged into with your username or email address and password, the information below will provide a tour of your service.

The My Fool Membership button in the upper right-hand side of the screen will lead you to your account settings, profile, manage services page, etc.

You have now landed at the homepage of your subscription level, a one stop show for all of your Motley Fool premium content. From here you'll see links to information and helpful tools such as "New Recs", "Rankings", "My Stocks", and more!

The New Recs for the subscription level you own can be found on the left hand side navigation menu. Here you will find information regarding the recommendation like the ticker symbol, the company name, what action was recommended, what investing type the stock pick may be suited for, which service made the pick, and the date of recommendation, along with a link to the article itself.

  • For quick reference, The Motley Fool’s **Investing Types* are outlined within an article link that can be accessed from the "Type" column header, within the "i" (information) pop-up.

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to check out the subscription's Rankings.

Within the Rankings page, you will find:

  • # (the rankings) - Rankings allows you to explore the conviction a service's investing team has in a company's ability to deliver a target return. Aggregate rankings across Motley Fool recommendations are based on our proprietary Quant: 5Y scoring system and are updated regularly. Please see our Tools Terms of Service for more info: '
  • Type - Investing Type offers insight into a stock's potential risk and return (Cautious, Moderate, or Aggressive).
  • 1Y Rev. Growth - The company's revenue growth over the past year.
    Est. Return - Quant 5Y estimated annualized returns that are meant to provide context. These are NOT guarantees of actual or future performance.
  • Est. Max Drawdown - Quant 5Y estimated maximum loss from a stock's price peak. This data is meant to provide context. These are NOT guarantees of actual or future performance.
  • Rec Date - When the company was most recently recommended, the date provides a hyperlink that features the recommendation article itself.
  • Times Rec'd - The number of buy, sell, and hold recommendations the service(s) you own has published on the stock.

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to access our My Stocks tool.

The My Stocks tool allows you to enter ticker symbols you're interested in to track their data as well as see what coverage (articles) we publish that are tied to that same ticker symbol. In addition, you can enter transactions you've placed with your brokerage account one trade at a time or via the CSV Upload function.

The My Stocks page features most of the same data that appears on the Rankings page with a few key additions:

  • Market Cap - The total dollar market value of a company's outstanding shares of stock. Calculated by multiplying the share price by the total number of outstanding shares.
  • Beta - A numeric value used to measure a stock's volatility in relation to the overall market. A beta of 1.0 signifies that a stock's price moves in tandem with the overall market (the S&P 500 is commonly used as a point of reference for the overall market). A beta greater than 1.0 suggests that the stock's price is more volatile than the overall market whereas a beta less that 1.0 suggests that the stock's price is less volatile that the overall market. Beta is a figure calculated from historical return data and it does NOT guarantee a stock's future volatility or price movements.

You can adjust what columns appear in your data table and rearrange them in whatever order makes the most sense to you by click on the Customize It button on the table. 

*Please note that this page also features the Coverage and Transactions pages, which allow you to dig deeper into the stocks you've added to this tool.

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to check out the subscription's Coverage.

Our Coverage includes articles, analyst insights, media content like videos, and additional media content from Fool Live.

This page features drop-down menus that allow you to filter between coverage that originates from different Motley Fool services/subscriptions, coverage tied to only recommended stocks, and stocks you've added to My Stocks.

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to check out your services via My Services

  • Scorecards - Some members only have access to one service, like Stock Advisor members, whereas others can access a multitude. You can favorite a service by clicking the star which will turn gold. You can also see content only associated to that one service by clicking on the name of the service you want to view.

My Reports - One off special reports that feature stock coverage, these are often tied to a service's marketing or advertising headlines. You can find specific reports by searching for keywords using the Search Reports search bar.

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to check out the our Toolkit - a variety of technological features you can use to optimize your use of our content

Within the Toolkit sub-menu you will find 5 features:

  • Fool IQ - This Foolish resource will help you in navigating this exciting new tool while familiarizing yourself with the meaning of many of the key metrics needed to research and understand a company's financial and stock performance. The tool features a Comprehensive Stock Dashboard, Financials At Your Fingertips, Enhanced Charting, and Quarterly Updates.
  • Strategies - Strategies present broad model portfolio guidance based on Cautious, Moderate, or Aggressive risk tolerances. Each portfolio aims to maximize return for its risk level, and diversification is baked into the process, using both exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and stocks. Each portfolio will vary greatly in both composition and resulting performance, depending on how investors select individual stocks within the confines of our broad guidance. These are quant estimates to provide context, and are not guarantees of actual or future performance. Return estimates are calculated using exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as a proxy for asset class performance. Read our disclaimer:
  • Indicators - Our Potential Growth Indicator (PGI) data below may help you inform cash management decisions. For more information on the methodology, please see our Terms of Service:
  • Simulators - Our Simulator tool will show the probability that a portfolio would have made money over time while holding a given number of stocks, based on the historical performance of random Motley Fool stock picks.
  • CAPS - Motley Fool CAPS operates from a simple premise: Working together, we can improve our investing results. This revolutionary new service pools the resources of the Motley Fool Community to help you identify the best stocks at the best times to buy them -- and which stocks to avoid, too!

On the left hand side navigation menu, you will find an option to check out the our Community section, also referred to as Discuss.

When you click on the Discuss button, you will be taken to our Community Boards page.

In order to post on the boards, a Username is required. You can create a username by going to > clicking on “Account” > clicking on “My Account” > Clicking “Change username”

Main Boards Page:

Help Guide for TMF New Boards:

Still need help getting started with Stock Advisor? Reach out to our friendly Member Services team here.

Alternatively, check out this article on other ways to reach our Member Services team.

Click here for a direct link to the homepage for your Stock Advisor subscription.

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