If you would like to format the text in your post, you will need to use HTML code.
HTML uses "tags", which are commands (or code) enclosed in angle-brackets.
Start with the left angle-bracket "<" , add your command, then close with the right angle-bracket ">".
For example, the tag to italicize the following text is <i>.
Tags come in pairs. The first tag "opens" the command, making it so that whatever follows the open tag will be formatted; the formatting ceases when a matching 'close' tag is added.
Close tags are similar to open tags, but they have a forward slash "/" in front of the command. The tag to end a section that has been made italic would be </i>.
There are three simple and useful tags that can be used on our boards.
ITALICS: The command to italicize your text is 'i'. By surrounding the text with <i> ... </i>, it will be formatted appropriately.
BOLD: The command to bold your text is 'b'. By surrounding the text with <b> ... </b>, it will be formatted appropriately.
PRESERVE FORMATTING: If you would like to present data in tabular format, the command for this is ‘pre’. By surrounding the text with <pre> ... </pre>, it will be formatted appropriately.
Check out our Advanced Features to read more about formatting posts.