When reading a discussion board post, you will notice a link that says 'Report Post' in the upper right-hand corner of the post itself. You may use this to notify us of posts that require our attention for rules violations (such as spamming, personal attacks, hyping, etc.) However, you should not report a post based on a disagreement with what was originally posted.
Our goal is to have a forum where beginning to advanced investors can post their opinions and questions, and be greeted with respect by those that agree or disagree with their stance.
Please refer to our Community Posting Guidelines for information on how to properly use the boards, as well as what content cannot be posted.
How to Post
- Make Your Posts Informative
- Agree to Disagree (with Civility)
- Type Like a Newspaper Editor
- Don't Send Questions via E-mail
- You're in Public
How NOT to Post